The full length of Poonch River within AJK has been notified as a national park by the AJK Wildlife and Fisheries Department. Keeping in view the environmental sensitivity of the area, the lenders, including the IFC and ADB had requested that a Biodiversity Scoping, Assessment and Management be carried out in the Project site and vicinity. The MPL has successfully signed the agreement with country’s renowned environmental firm, Hagler Bailly Pakistan, to undertake this assignment. The purpose of the study is to assess potential impacts on biodiversity from the Gulpur Hydropower Project on the Poonch River as per agreed TORs with Lenders.
The study will follow a systematic approach to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) by 1) establishing the current environmental baseline (within and beyond the project area), 2) predicting and evaluating impacts, and 3) identifying mitigation measures. Mitigation will follow the mitigation hierarchy: avoidance, minimization, remedy/restore, and compensate/offset any residual (unavoidable) impacts.
The consultant will submit the following deliverables during this study:
1. Critical Habitat Analyses
2. Rapid Cumulative Impact Assessment Report
3. Scoping Report for DRIFT and BAP
4. Biodiversity Assessment Report
5. Impact Assessment Report
6. Biodiversity Action Plan